Y6 Home Learning Grid 11th January

Y6 Home Learning Grid 11th January

Y6 Remote Learning/ Live Lessons: Monday 11th January – Friday 15th January

The attached grid has all of this week's remote learning including the live Zoom lessons that you can join in with. Remember to do your best and complete what you can. You do not have to print work, you can write your answers in a notebook where possible. I have also attached a suggested timetable for those of you who want some help with how to organise your time- remember this is just a guide. All of the links are also on the Seesaw app. Please share your completed work on Seesaw or alternatively send it to admin@broadbentfold.tameside.sch.uk.

For the maths lessons all of the video links that accompany each lesson are on Seesaw as they are too big to download on the website. 

I am teaching keyworker children in school this week so I will endeavor to reply to all work sent to me as soon as I can but this may not be until the afternoon/evening. 

Please contact me if you are unsure about anything or need any further advice.

I am looking forward to seeing what the week brings.

Best wishes,

Miss Harvey