Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Sports Award Winner

Congratulations to Isobel who won our Sports Award for 2024!

She has represented school in 9 different sports this year and put 100% into all of her PE lessons. She has been an amazing sports leader and Game Changer helping to inspire other children to participate in sport. 

Well done!

Y6 winners

A huge well done to Macy and Sam our end of year achievers in year 6. They both absolutely deserve this for their amazing effort and attitude in year6.

Also well done to all of the children who have 100% or 99% attendance in year 6.

Finally thank you again to all of the year 6 children who have supported in a leader or monitor job this year. 

Awards Assembly

Today we shared our final awards assembly. In each class two children won a special end of year award for either attainment or behaviour- they also received a gift card to say thank you for their hard work this year. We also celebrated our leaders around school including our Head Boy and Girl, Prefects, Librarians, Reading Ambassadors, Pupil Leaders, Sports Ambassadors and Eco leaders. 

Additionally we found out our new Head Boy and Girl and prefects for our next academic year- I am sure they will all do a wonderful job. 


Well done to all those who won a Headteacher's Award or Gold Award today. What a super way to finish the year.

House Cup Winners

A huge congratulations to Team Amber, who have won the House Cup and will receive non-uniform day on Friday 26th July. The team scored a huge 1,091 points! Well done.


As we were at The Anderson Centre on Friday we didn't receive our certificates so today the Headteacher's Award went to Theo and Ivy.

Theo has been a great role model in computing club over the year helping younger children with their coding skills.

Ivy is a great friend to others showing care and compassion to people.

Our final Good to be Green winners are Evie and Oliver.
