Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Mini London Marathon 2022

Well done to everyone who completed the 2022 TCS Mini London Marathon. Pupils in each class could run, jog or walk the 2.6 miles. They have received a commemorative pin badge as a well done! 

MATHS and ART! Maths Week England 2022!

For Maths Week England, each child from every class produced a piece of Maths related artwork.  These ranged from Repeated Patterns in Reception to Geometric Patterns in Year 6 and the children really enjoyed creating their masterpieces!  Today, they had the opportunity to visit the Art Gallery and view the fantastic pieces of artwork on display in the Hall.  They had some interesting discussions about their favourite works of art! 

Anti-bullying assembly

Gary and Simon from Holy Trinity visited our school and spoke about how bullying wasn't the right thing to do. They spoke about Jesus and how he would do the right thing. We shared an important message:

Do to others as you would have them do to you!


Remembrance Sunday

Thank you for all your support with this year's Poppy Appeal. Yesterday Xavier and his family with our governor Mr Moon lay a wreath at the Chapel Hill War Memorial. Thank you for attending this on behalf of Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery. School will continue to support the Royal British Legion and the charity work they do in our community. More information can be found -

Y6 Star of the week 11-11-22

Well done to Alfie and Xander for winning a Headteacher's Award today. They both created some amazing geometric art for Maths Week England which will be taking place next week. 

Sam and Lexi won the Good to be Green Award for being outstanding role models in the class. 

Polish Day in Y6

Y6 loved tasting some Polish foods today- the chocolates particularly went down well. We have found out about why Poland celebrates their Day of Independence on 11th November and the class have produced some outstanding information pages about this- please have a look at the photographs of our work!

We have also researched some traditional Polish dishes to create our own Polish menus- yummy!

Y6 Hockey

Year 6 are finessing their hockey skills in PE. We have looked at different types of dribbling; how to do push passes with a partner; and how to use a jab tackle to attack our opponents. Next week we will start to play some matches against each other. 

Planting Crocuses for World Polio Day

As part of World Polio Day 2022 the Eco leaders and chosen children from each class planted 500 crocuses in the school grounds.  These were kindly donated by Tameside Rotary.and members of the Rotary came to help and support the children with their planting.  Well done everyone, you all did a fantastic job!  We are looking forward to seeing the flowers bloom in the spring.
