Welcome to Year 2 2024-2025
Here is some information you may find useful:
Creative home learning is set at the beginning of every half term. The home learning grid is uploaded onto... more
Designated Wellbeing Leader and Senior Mental Health Leader: Mrs Parker
Designated Governor: Ms Dobson
Healthy Eating:
The Food4Life schools award, which is co-ordinated and managed by the Children Nutrition Team at the Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, is a chance for schools to celebrate and be recognised for good practice around healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. It is given to schools that show a whole school approach to the provision and promotion of healthy food. It also ensures that the food being served in school meets School Food Standards. Part of the award involves the team analysing the menus and making suggestions for alternatives where this is not the case. For more information click on the link below. Congratulations to the whole school as Broadbent Fold gained their Gold Certificate on the 20th March 2023. Well done everyone for your continued efforts.
Emotional Health & Mental Wellbeing:
At Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery we believe that good social, emotional and mental wellbeing can create the foundations for healthy behaviours and educational attainment. This is embedded in all aspects of our wide, varied and inclusive curriculum. We use Tameside’s whole school approach, to review and plan our practice and work closely with families, outside agencies and the children themselves to promote effective emotional health and mental wellbeing awareness, guidance, support and or intervention. Broadbent Fold's lead teacher for emotional health and mental wellbeing is Mrs Parker (Headteacher) and the lead governor is Ms Dobson.
EMHP - We have a Emotional and Mental Health Practitioner in school who supports children on a weekly basis. They look at low self-esteem, depression and low mood. Our EMHP works with parents closely to support pupils.
Wellbeing Champions - We have a Wellbeing Champion Team, who supports each class with their worries. They deliver assemblies and meet with pupils each week to discuss current issues. Lottie in year 5 is our leader and she ensures the team are proactive and make a change. We have Wellbeing Wednesdays each week and ensure we take time for a walk, do some yoga or do something kind for another person.
Needing Support? In recognising the significance of early intervention and prevention in mental health, the Youth in Mind initiative is specifically targeted to respond to the needs of children and young people. If you would like further information on any of our services please see the links on the right or contact us on 0161 330 9223.
Tamside, Oldham and Glossop MIND are a charity that support children and families in our area. They hold a drop in session on Thursday evenings at the Positive Steps building in Oldham town centre. You do not need an appointment to take your child, should you have any concerns about their emotional health and mental wellbeing. You can call them on 0161 330 9223.
Anyone can use this form to make a referral to Tameside's Safeguarding Hub (MASH team) when there are individuals or families needing support from the Early Help team or when there are children or young people needing support for mental health issues.
We use The Hive to support us as a school with mental health support for our pupils. https://www.togmind.org/youth-in-mind/community-hive
Bereavement - Key Person Mrs Anson. At school we have a trained member of staff to help pupils with loss. We provide children with 1:1 support and books to read at home to help them with their grief.