Head teacher's blog

House Cup Winners!

A huge congratulations to Team Emerald, who have won the House Cup and will receive non-uniform day on Friday 14th February. They won with 1,233 points - Well done!

Responsibility Winners!

The skill we have been focusing on is Responsibility this half term All part of our Career Led Learning work. Well done to these amazing pupils, who I have noticed everyday being responsible. 

Children's Mental Health Week

Take part in Children's Mental Health Week this week from home. 

This week, we're focusing on our theme of Know Yourself, Grow Yourself. We want to equip and empower children and the adults who surround them to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them.

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Mr Berry created our own poster for school - he even wrote our school name in Chinese - you can see this in our EYFS unit. Thank you Mr Berry. 

Happy Chinese New Year!

In 2025 Lunar New Year begins on 29 January and marks the change from the Year of the Dragon to the Year of the Snake.What animal are you?  It is celebrated with gifts, fireworks and dragon and lion dances and culminates on the 15th day with a lantern festival. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone celebrating. 

Wellbeing Leaders Meeting

Our fabulous Wellbeing Leaders met today to look at new positive messages for our pupils. They are going to set a new sticker competition in a whole school assembly. First they are designing their own, to show the school. 

Year 4 Royal Opera Work

Following our certifcates. We also received excellent feedback: 

Dear Year 4

Wow! A huge congratulations on your fantastic composition Peony Pink.

We loved hearing your interpretation of the colour Peony Pink that you chose to complete Omar's opera 'Blue, Red, Yellow...' .

At the ENO, a group of us got together to listen to all of the compositions submitted to us just before Christmas.

Your composition was listened to by:

Skill for Life - Responsibility

In my assembly today I introduced the word and skill of the half term - Responsibility. We are ensuring our pupils are building these skills for their future in life and employment. We discussed taking ownership and control of our behaviour. I will be picking one child from each class who has shown this over January and February. 
