Head teacher's blog

Pupil Leaders meet Governors

Today our pupil leaders met our Chair and Vice Chair of Governors. They discussed current themes in school, shared the policies they have been working on and asked our governors some questions. We are planning a question and answer session in the next few months. 

Book Look

Thank you to the families who joined us for our book look. We are very proud of the hard work our pupils are doing everyday - we are pleased you are too. There will be another opportunity soon. 

Litter Picking in our Community

A huge well done and thank you to Chloe for doing litter picking in our community in her own time. What a superstar you are! Keep making us proud Chloe and helping to keep our environment safe and healthy. 

LGBT and History Month - February 2023

Do you know who this brave woman is from our history? February is LGBT History Month and we’re focussing on the lives and work of some courageous LGBT women. If you find out any details let Mrs Parker know for house points - we shall do some research together in assembly. 

Safer Internet and Mental Health Week

Safer Internet Day 2023 will take place on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. We are also linking this with Mental Health Week - as they go hand in hand. I am asking our pupils to design a poster about life online, which links the themes. All entries are to be sent to Mrs Parker by 10th February. Pupil Leaders will help me to decide the winners. 

Going for Gold!

Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery are on our way to achieving gold for healthy eating with Tameside. We need everyone's help to do this and ensure snacks, birthday treats and packed lunches are all healthy. Parents will be receiving a letter home explaining our next steps - please let's work together to achieve this. We can do it! 

House Team Winners - Ruby!

Ruby have won the House Team Points for autumn term. Well done Ruby - you have been so impressive all term and have worked incredibly hard to achieve your rewards. On Friday 13th January, you will receive a special non-uniform day for your efforts. Good luck to the other teams this term - you can do it! 

Goodbye Mrs Bardsley

Today we said goodbye and thank you to Mrs Bardsley. Mrs Bardsley has been volunteering and working as part of our Midday Team for 22 years at Broadbent Fold. We are forever grateful for your time and dedication. We wish you a happy retirement. 
