Welcome to Year 5! I am looking forward to teaching our first half term's topic "What was life like for Victorian children?" We have some exciting and inspiring activities to help us delve into... more
Pupil Questionniare January 2024
I enjoy school
All of the time - 42%
Most of the time - 52%
Almost never – 6%
Teachers help me to do my best
All of the time - 69%
Most of the time - 31%
Almost never- 0%
I enjoy learning at this school
All of the time- 60%
Most of the time 35%
Some of the time- 5%
Teachers listen to what I have to say in lessons
Agree - 98%
Disagree - 2%
There is an adult at school I can talk to if something is worrying me
Agree - 93%
Disagree - 7%
The behaviour of pupils in school is good
All of the time – 19%
Most of the time – 64%
Some of the time– 17%
If bullying happens what do school do?
It doesn’t happen - 24%
It happens, and it is dealt with- 69%
It happens, but teachers do not resolve it well 7%
I feel safe when I am at school
All of the time – 72%
Most of the time- 22%
Some of the time- 6%
My school encourages me to look after my physical health
Agree – 96%
Disagree- 4%
My school encourages me to look after my mental health
Agree - 97%
Disagree -3%
I take part in school activities outside of lessons like clubs, sports, music and art
Frequently- 39%
Sometimes – 44%
Not very often – 17%
My school encourages me to be independent and take responsibilities
Agree- 93%
Disagree- 7%
My school encourages me to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally
Agree- 98%
Disagree 2%