Pupil Questionnaires

 Pupil Questionniare January 2024 


I enjoy school

All of the time - 42%

Most of the time - 52%

Almost never – 6% 


Teachers help me to do my best

All of the time - 69%

Most of the time - 31%

Almost never-  0%


I enjoy learning at this school

All of the time- 60%

Most of the time 35%

Some of the time- 5%


Teachers listen to what I have to say in lessons

Agree - 98%

Disagree - 2%


There is an adult at school I can talk to if something is worrying me

Agree - 93%

Disagree - 7%


The behaviour of pupils in school is good

All of the time – 19%

Most of the time – 64%

Some of the time– 17%



If bullying happens what do school do?

It doesn’t happen - 24%

It happens, and it is dealt with- 69%

It happens, but teachers do not resolve it well 7%


I feel safe when I am at school

All of the time – 72%

Most of the time- 22%

Some of the time- 6%


My school encourages me to look after my physical health

Agree – 96%

Disagree- 4%


My school encourages me to look after my mental health

Agree - 97%

Disagree -3%


I take part in school activities outside of lessons like clubs, sports, music and art

Frequently- 39%

Sometimes – 44%

Not very often – 17%


My school encourages me to be independent and take responsibilities

Agree- 93%

Disagree- 7%


My school encourages me to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally

Agree- 98%

Disagree 2%