Dear Parents, Carers I hope you've had a restful February break, and the children are eager to return to school. They have been working ever so hard last half term, and I hope they're buzzing to... more

Reading is a skill we take for granted, yet one that is essential for being able to get on in life. As a child grows up, being able to read well not only enables them to discover new facts but also opens them up to a world of new ideas, stories and opportunities.We recently raised funds for our new KS2 library furniture with high-quality new books. It looks brilliant! We want all of our pupils to develop a love of reading for pleasure. Thank you everyone for your support.
Broadbent Fold have been very busy raising money for charitable events. Thank you to all those who contributed.
In 2023/24 we supported:
Harvest Collection for Barty's Food bank
Macmillan raised £515.47
Poppy Appeal raised £260.70
In 2022/23 we supported:
Harvest Collection for Barty's Food bank
Macmillan raised: £621.59
In 2021/22 we supported:
Harvest Collection for Barty's Food Bank
Children In Need raised £172.01
Macmillan raised £677
In 2020/21 we supported:
UNICEF £1018
Macmillan £284.46
Poppy Appeal £477.26
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital £345.39
Sport Relief £454.05
Food Bank – Harvest Festival 147.58kg
Children in Need £151.33
Pyjamarama - £224.50
In 2019/20 we supported:
Christmas Jumper Day raising £64
British Legion raising £487.34
28 Shoeboxes collected for The Samaritan's Purse
Macmillan- raising £505.10
Children in Need raising £246.62
Unicef Soccer Aid- £194
In 2018/19 we supported:
Children in Need raising £276.00
37 Shoesboxes collected for The Samaritan's Purse
Macmillan- raising £519.00
Unicef Soccer Aid raising £86
British Red Cross raising £70.43
Unicef enterprize raising £60