Welcome back to Spring Term in Year 5 where our topic will test the children's geographical knowledge of the world and make them aware of the impact of climate change. In our... more
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information
At Broadbent Fold we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils based on key principles; setting suitable learning challenges, responding to pupils diverse needs and overcoming potential barriers to learning. For children who have a special learning difficulty or a disability, our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) outlines the educational support we provide. This is often referred to as our 'SEND' offer. This provision is alongside the Tameside Local Offer.
Mrs Kleban is our Special Educational Needs Leader (SENCO) and is responsible for the operation of the Special Educational Needs (SEND) policy and coordination of specific provision made to support
- Mrs Sibson is the governor in charge of SEND.
- Accessibility – we have limited wheelchair access and three disabled toilets.
Code of Practice:
Parental Support:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-support-easy-read-guide-for-parents
What kind of things does Tameside SENDIASS provide?
SENDIASS aims to encourage and develop partnership between children, young people, parents/carers, schools, the local authority and all other partners who are involved in working to identify, assess and meet the special educational needs of children and young people.
- Confidential and impartial information, advice and support to children, young people and their parents/carers on Education matters and Health and Social Care matters in relation to education.
- Information, advice and support on subjects including local policy and practice, personalisation, personal budgets, preparation for adulthood, the law on SEN and Disability, Health and Social Care.
- Information, advice and support throughout the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment process and review process.
- Information, advice and support about SEN Support in settings, schools and further education.
- Individual casework.
- Support in preparing for and attending meetings.
- Help in filling in forms and writing letters/reports.
- Support in resolving disagreements, including Disagreement Resolution, Mediation and Tribunals.
- Signposting to other local or national sources of advice, information and support.
- Links to local parent support groups and forums.
Dyslexia Friendly Setting
At Broadbent Fold we are committed to identifying and addressing the needs of each individual child to understand and maximise their potential. Our aim for our school is to become a dyslexia friendly setting. See parent letter below.