Latest news

  • Our Summer Fair raised £1,710 - thank you everyone for your support. This will go to enhancing our pupil's trips and visitor experience. 
  • Thank you so much for all your efforts at raising money for our library. With our sponsored walk last month we raised a massive £2,059.62. 
  • We are a Research Partner School for the Education Endowment. Evidence of all the excellent mathematics taking place. 
  • If you would like to visit our EYFS unit, please contact school and we would be happy to show you around. 
  • Prospective Nursery and Reception Parents - please click on the parents tab for a virtual tour of our Early Years Foundation Stage and information about how to apply.

Welcome to Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery

Upcoming events

School Starts

School Starts

Tuesday, September 3, 2024  

Tuesday, September 3, 2024  
Meet the Teacher 3.30pm

Meet the Teacher 3.30pm

Tuesday, September 10, 2024  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024  

Broadbent Fold

We are a happy and active school who places a very high value on the emotional and physical wellbeing of our pupils. We have high standards and excellent behaviour, following our Ready, Respectful and Safe values on a daily basis. I am proud of our school vision, as this encompasses daily life educating pupils at Broadbent Fold.

Growing up myself in the Dukinfield community I know how influential and integral it has been in my own education and future. I attended Globe Lane Primary School and Dukinfield Astley High School (now Rayner Stephens). Whilst at Globe Lane an experience I remember to this day is a trip we had on a canal boat to Portland Basin. I remember learning about the history of Dukinfield, the local wildlife and conservation. I wrote a letter to my local MP complaining about the rubbish on my trip and I received a reply. This piece of writing was proudly displayed in my classroom. There was a real purpose to my learning.

Whilst at Dukinfield Astley High I went on a biology trip to the Lake District. I remember doing experiments outdoors and getting extremely wet and muddy searching for local habitats. Both schools brought learning to life, nurtured my own aspirations and have made me the headteacher I am today.

Our school moto is 'Learning Today for Tomorrow's World.' My aim as the headteacher at Broadbent Fold is to ensure children get a memorable education and leave Broadbent Fold as well rounded successful citizens of the future. 

The pupils and our families are central to every decision and opportunity we offer and they play a major role in designing our curriculum. The Broadbent Fold curriculum inspires pupils to learn and motivates them to learn more. The wide range of opportunities at our school helps pupils acquire new knowledge and consolidate skills.

We wish our children to be happy and enjoy their learning in an inclusive environment that caters for all and respects others. Working in partnership with families ensures the best possible support and outcomes. I know the children will thoroughly enjoy the journey! I hope that as a parent or visitor that you find the experience a fulfilling one and you feel involved and valued.

We are proud to be at the heart of our community. In 2023 we celebrated our 50th anniversary. 

Why not visit us and experience Broadbent Fold for yourself? I would be delighted to show you around.

Mrs Parker, Headteacher