Class Blog

Year 2 2024-2025 Blog

Stars of the week

Congratulations to our superstars! This week, the children were awarded Headteachers certificates for their art and maths work. Some children received their Bronze Awards and Good to be Green pencils. Great work Year 2! Keep it up. 

Spring 1

Where will our adventures take us?

This is the question that will inspire children's learning and will be based on Pirates. Children are looking forward to a pirate themed activity day.

P.E dance and fundamental movements will be taught this half term. Dance will be based on pirates. Our English will be based on pirates and children will improve their story writing and poetry.

Mathletics activities and Seesaw activities really do support children's learning.

Attached is the Medium Term Plan and our Home Learning Grid.


Cross curricular task: Art, Geography and Maths

In Maths Year 2 children have been learning about shapes and symmetry and in Geography about London's most famous landmark. Today the children practised their art skills while drawing the missing half of the London's landmark ensuring it was symmetrica. They really did a super job!

Handwriting Award winners

Congratulations to our handwriting award winners this half term. I am impressed with your motor skills, letter orientation, joined writing and presentation.

Our winners are:

Nursery- Myles

Reception- Alfie

Y1- Rosie C

Y2- Eric

Y3- Aston

Y4- Olivia

Y5- Vincent E

Y6- Jacob A

It is lovely to see so many boys winning this time. Your wonderful work is on display outside Mrs Parker's room for all to see!

This week awards go to…

This week Headteacher's certificates were awarded for The Great Fire of London dance and work in History. Well done to the two children who received Good to be Green awards. Keep up the good work!
