Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Awards Assembly

Today we shared our final awards assembly. In each class two children won a special end of year award for either attainment or behaviour- they also received a gift card to say thank you for their hard work this year. We also celebrated our leaders around school including our Head Boy and Girl, Prefects, Librarians, Reading Ambassadors, Pupil Leaders, Sports Ambassadors and Eco leaders. 

Additionally we found out our new Head Boy and Girl and prefects for our next academic year- I am sure they will all do a wonderful job. 

Food Tech in Year 5 - Making Guacamole!

As part of their South American topic, Mrs Hallam helped Year 5 to make Guacamole this week!  Using avocado, lime juice, cherry tomatoes and a hint of garlic, the children demonstrated their culinary skills of cutting, mashing and mixing to make this South American based dipl  They really enjoyed making it and (most) children loved eating it afterwards with Doritos!  Well done everyone and a massive thank you to Mrs Hallam for helping them!  Mrs Blomeley

House Cup Winners

A huge congratulations to Team Amber, who have won the House Cup and will receive non-uniform day on Friday 26th July. The team scored a huge 1,091 points! Well done.

Arguing in Year 5!

As part of their Writing unit on Balanced Arguments, Year 5 put their "for" and "against" arguments to the test when they argued whether school uniforms should be worn in school!  They were brilliant and it helped when they came to write their final piece about "Why is South America a Continent of Contrasts?"  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 w/e 19.7.24

Our last merit assembly of this academic year gave us so many awards!  Headteacher's merits were awarded for being hardworking and helpful, as well as being a great role model with an amazing sense of humour!  Good to be Green awards were given for being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  Gold awards for gaining 170 star points in Year 5 and, unbelievably, we had three winners of Headteachers medals for gaining 250 star points!  Wow!  Well done to everyone this year for their amazing efforts in Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Jason Robinson

We have had the best morning at Broadbent Fold - rugby legend Jason Robinson delivered a special assembly. The children were inspired by this magnificent athlete. He shared his history in sport and his current work with the Jason Robinson Foundation. The foundation currently deliver rugby each week with Charles - we are very grateful for all the support and dedication to our school. 

Y4 Litter Picker Superstars

Yesterday Sophia, Chloe, Ellie and Amelia went to Dukifield Park on a clean up mission! This was led by Sophia and her grandad and the girls and Bob did a fantastic job collecting 3 bags of rubbish. 

Admirable efforts from all 4 girls and well done Sophia and Bob for coming up with this great idea! 

Gold School Games Mark Award

We are delighted to announce that Broadbent Fold Primary School, have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

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Pokémon Cup Winners!

A huge congratulations to our Year 4 and 5 boys who won the Pokémon cup and will now represent Tameside in the Greater Manchester finals in January! The boys showed great football skills and sportsmanship throughout their games and we are really proud of them!

The results from the final were...

Broadbent Fold 1 - 1 Gee Cross Holy Trinity

Gee Cross Holy Trinity 0 - 0 Discovery Academy

Broadbent Fold 3 - 0 Discovery Academy
