Year 4 Thursday's Home Learning Creations!

Year 4 Thursday's Home Learning Creations!

Thank you to Molly for sending in her fabulous work on The Mary Rose this morning! Her mum told me that Diver's Daughter has inspired her to find out more about this famous ship!  Molly's mum also told me that Molly is busy learning her times tables - she has got her 6's and is now working on her 7's!  Fantastic! Keep it up and that sticker chart will be full when we get back to school! 

Thank you also to Scarlett for sending us photos of her busy morning!  She's made a model of the Mary Rose AND a Tudor house!   Annabelle has sent in her work and picture of the Tudor Rose.   Well done to you both!

Finally, Roban has sent in his Tudor work - a portrait and his Mary Rose model.  Roban has also been busy labelling a skeleton and doing Maths work! I particularly love the poster he has created for the Nightingale Hospital.  Well done Roban and thank you for working so hard!

Mrs Blomeley