
Our nursery team are Miss Tennant (nursery teacher), Miss Hatton ( teaching assistant)
We are thrilled to have the privilege of working with your children on the first steps of their educational journey and aim for this to be a happy time for both you and them.

We use Seesaw as the main way of sharing photographs, information etc. Please contact Mrs Tennant if you are unable to log in.

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Welcome to Year 1 2024-2025

Miss Lewis is the Class Teacher and Mr Leach is the Teaching Assistant in Year 1.

Here is some information you may find useful:

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Welcome to Year 2 2024-2025

Here is some information you may find useful:

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Welcome to Year 3's home page.  

Miss Harvey is the class teacher and Mrs Gething is the Class HLTA. 

Key information:

Spring 1- PE kits are needed on Wednesdays and Thursdays- please leave them in school so you do not forget to bring it in on the right day. 


Regularly reading- aim to read at least 10 minutes per day and remember to sign your Reading Record. 

Mathletics- children to complete at least one activity a week.

Creartive Homework- can you amke a volcano model? Bring in your model by Friday 7th February.

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Welcome to Year 4! 

Miss Mainprize is the Class Teacher and Mrs Gething is the Teaching Assisstant in Years 3 and 4. 

Our topic in Spring 1 is 'What was life like for the Tudors?' where we will be learning all about Henry VIII and his wives.

Here is some information you may find useful:

- PE is on Tuesday (gymnastics - indoor). Please make sure you have your indoor PE kits in school including PE pumps and any earrings are taken out. Please make sure everything is labelled.

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Welcome back to Spring Term in Year 5 where our topic will test the children's geographical knowledge of the world and make them aware of the impact of climate change.  In our topic "Why should the world's rainforests matter to all of us?", we will learn more about Greta Thunberg and her efforts to save our planet, as well as researching endangered animals via the WWF.   Persuasive Writing is on the agenda in our English lessons, as well as reading the award winning novel "The Explorer" by Katherine Rundell, about four children who find th

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Dear Parents, Carers  I hope you've had a restful February break, and the children are eager to return to school. They have been working ever so hard last half term, and I hope they're buzzing to get started on our What did the Windrush scandal teach us topic. In Geography, they will be researching about The HMS Windrush; we will be linking this knowledge closely to our writing skills.  In science, the children will be organising and running the Science Fair, which takes part in British Science Week on 10th March 2025 and a visit to Rayner Stephens on the 18th March.

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Mrs Kleban is the class teacher and Miss Spalding is our HLTA

We are all thrilled to have the privilege of working with your children on the first steps of their educational journey and aim for this to be a happy time for both you and them.

We use Seesaw as the main way of sharing photographs, information etc. Please contact Mrs Kleban if you are unable to log in.

- Read more about our class