Year 4 Home Learning creations (Tuesday 14th April)

Year 4 Home Learning creations (Tuesday 14th April)

Cameron has been making the most of the sunshine!  He's been making dens with his sister!

Scarlett has sent me the cutest Maths story ever!   Thank you!

Albert has been extremely busy over the past two weeks!  As well as reading, writing and doing a lot of White Rose maths work, he also completed a Year 6 Easter Maths Challlenge!   This is in addition to baking, doing daily PE with Joe Wicks and playing cricket in the garden.  Fantastic home learning!

Meanwhile, following this week's Home Learning grid, Laura made her own obstacle course yesterday! This involved doing press ups, running, jumping and skipping four times around the garden! I hope she's having a rest today! 

Thank you everyone for sending in your work. I really appreciate it.  Mrs Blomeley