

Today in Science, the children got into small groups and were given pictures of different types of food. The children were asked to sort them into different ways. Most of the groups put the foods into ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ groups but one group put theirs into ‘healthy’, take away’, ‘sweets and chocolate’ and ‘proteins.’ Another group put theirs into ‘healthy’, ‘unhealthy’ and ‘unsure.’ We discussed the unsure groups and decided if they were healthy or unhealthy. We also discussed the ‘take away group’ and the children identified foods then had as a takeaway and said they were unhealthy. We had a big discussion around the ‘take away’ fish and chips. One child said fish is good for you and so are chips because they are made out of potatoes.  This then moved our learning onto the different food groups the Eat-well healthy plate and a child explain what it meant. We briefly recognised the different food groups on the healthy plate and identified ‘protein’ as being a food group which one group identified. Well done everyone!