Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Space Week...

The planetarium from Jodrell Bank visited our school for year 2s topic and to celebrate Space Week. It was out of this world! 

National Poetry Day 2021

Years 3, 5 and 6 took part in a poetry workshop with the amazing Michael Rosen on National Poetry Day. We watched Michael perform some of his poetry and joined in along with him. I know that Year 6 particularly enjoyed 'No breathing in class'  Please look at Michael's website for many more poetry ideas and performances: Michael Rosen | Official Website He is certainly inspiring.

Draw along session with Steve May

We had a special treat today to celebrate National Libraries Week; a virtual Draw Along event on Zoom. Year 3 really enjoyed the session with illustrator Steve May. We all had a go at drawing BITEY BITEY, one of Steve's characters. 

Year 3 Awards

Well done to Year 3 children who received this week's Head Teacher's and Good to be Green awards for their amazing work and outstanding behaviour!  

Making rainbow without sunlight

In our Science lesson today we found out how rainbows are made. Then, we tried to make a rainbow without sunligh. We put a mirror in a glass of water and we flashed a torch towards the mirror. A tiny rainbow appeared from the angle of the mirror. You can't see it on the pictures but it was definitely there... If you don't believe us you can try this experiment at home! 

Well done!

Congratulations to our stars of the week! These children received Headteacher's Awards and Good to be green pencils. They have worked really hard and followed our school rules. Keep up the good work!

Whole school handwriting winners

Well done to our Broadbent Fold handwriting champions who have already impressed their teachers with their wonderful handwriting and presentation or for a great improvement in their handwriting.

Our winners include Nursery- Isabella, Reception- Mason, Year 2- Toby, Year 4- Isobel, Year 5- Thomas, Year 6- Ethan.

All of their fantastic work is on display on our amazing writing board. 

Whole School Poetry Competition

Next week is National Poetry Day on Thursday 7th October.

In school all classes from Y1-Y6 will be perform a poem to the school in assembly.

We would also like children to take part in a competition at home: please make up a poem about space as we celebrate space week on 11th October. 

Your poem could rhyme, it could be in an interesting shape, it could be acrostic. Any idea as long as it is about space!

Please bring in your poem to school and hand it in to your teachers by Friday 8th October if you would like to be entered into the competition.
