Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Year 3 Stars of the week

A big well done to Year 3 children who have received Headteacher's Awars and Good to be pencils this week. Keep up the great work and attitude to learning. 

Money Matters

Money Matters-

Year 3 have all spoken about how they save or spend money! They've designed and made their own money boxes from lifesavers lessons.

Stone Age Outdoor Day Year 3

 Year 3 have loved learning outside today pretending to be hunter gathers. They have been throwing aiming to knock fruit to the floor (beanbags at markers on the wall) and they have acted like hunters using spears (javelins) to hunt Woolley mammoths (hoola hoops).

Thanks to Mrs Anson children got the opportunity to cook on a fire - just like the Stone age people would have done.

Children decided hunting food like Stoneage people was much harder than they thought. 

What skills did Stoneage people need to hunt and gather?

Could you be a Stoneage child?


Cross Country Grand Prix

Lots of pupils braved the cold on Saturday morning for the first cross country race this year. I was so impressed with the sportsmanship of everyone who took part and how everyone was cheering the pupils who were racing on. 

Year 3/4 Girls

6th Aubrey

16th Maisie

24th Faye


Year 3/4 Boys

6th Sam

12th Oliver

20th James


Year 5/6 Girls

12th Laura


Year 5/6 Boys

9th Boyd

10th Xander

18th Tyler 

19th Daniel


Well done to everyone who took part!

Stone Age jewellery

As a part of our DT project we designed and started making Stone Age jewellery. We started our lesson with discussion about materials used for making jeweller now. Then we explored what jewellery looked like during the Stone Age and what natural resource were used in those days. We compared Stone Age jewellery to what is worn nowadays. We then designed our very own Stone Age jewellery as well as labeling the resources that would have been used such as animal teeth, stones and shells. Today we used our designs to create beads for our necklaces and bracelets using air dry clay.

Friday Awards

Congratulations to Year 3 children who received a Head Teacher's awards and good to be green pencils. What a great start to the new half term! 

Very Proud

What a shining beacon and a brilliant example of excellence Ellis is in Year 4. In his own time he raised £446 for the Alzhemer's Society. He completed a memory walk in aid of his grandad Jeff. We are all very proud of you Ellis- well done. 

Year 3 Autumn 2

Welcome back Year 3! We hope you are well rested and ready for our fun packed topic this half term.  We will be travelling back in time to the prehistoric era to find out what life was like in the Stone Age. We will be exploring Stone Age art, creating cave paintings and Stone Age jewellery, as well as taking part in hunter gatherer outdoor activities with Mrs Anson making campfires and practising our aiming and throwing skills.

Happy Diwali

Year 3 enjoyed watching videos about DiwalI the Hindu festival of light. We compared this festival to the Christian festival Christmas and Hannukah that Jews celebrate. Children shared their ideas on how DiwalI is celebrated and then together wrote acrostic poems.

Happy Diwali 

Art in Year 3

Year 3 have experimented with watercolours and created the background for a Stonehenge picture using sketching pencils on top of their watercolour background. This links to their Stone Age themed topic this year.
