Extra Activities for Year 4

Extra Activities for Year 4

Here are some extra ideas for activities to keep you busy when you have completed the tasks on this week's Home Learning grid:  These website links have some great ideas of things to try at home:  (Make sure you click "read more" to read everything below)





As a great alternative to using devices, why don't you try some non-screen activities from the suggestions on the sheet, or challenge yourself with these problem solving maths sheets below (answers are at the end of the sheets)..  

Of course, there will  be more activities on offer on our online journal Seesaw, where you can share your work with me and I can send you an instant comment!  Have you seen the latest activity called "Can Animals Get A Sunburn?"  I hope you are all wearing your sun-cream in this hot weather!   Look out for a surprise story, written by me and presented by me!

Please continue to send me your work, either via Seesaw, or through the office to admin@broadbentfold.tameside.sch.uk.  Remember, though, that the office will be closed from 1st June and will re-open on Monday 8th June.  Enjoy your break and the sunshine!  Mrs Blomeley