Autumn 1 Topic Information Y6

Autumn 1 Topic Information Y6

We have a wonderful half term ahead of us where we will explore and celebrate how we are all unique.

Our class text this half term is 'Can you see me now? by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott which follows the story of an eleven year old girl called Tally who has been diagnosed with autism and is about to start her journey at secondary school. We also look at the text 'Wonder' by R.J Palacio which is about Auggie who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome.

In maths we will mainly focus on place value and calculations. Please use Times Tables Rockstars as often as possible to finesse your times tables skills. 

Please look at the attached topic grid to find more details about what we will cover in class this half term in all other subjects. PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays starting Monday 6th September so please bring in PE kits next week in a small drawstring bag. 

If you have a positive COVID test or are learning from home for any other reason please use the attached home learning grid for ideas of activities that can be completed. Any work can be sent into the school email address: Once we have had all parental consent forms for the Sessaw app to be used, work will be able to be submitted directly through Seesaw. 

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any point during the year.