Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Swimming Gala

 Well done to our year 5 and 6s who represented Broadbent Fold in the Tameside Swimming Gala. Pupils swam so fast and we even had a couple of 1st places! We came 6th overall and the pupils were a great team supporting and cheering each other on. We are very proud. 

Anderton Centre fun

Year 6 have had a fabulous day at the Anderton Centre today.

We have been on the low ropes, traverse climbing and crate stacking this morning.

This afternoon the children went off down the lake on their canoes. They then daringly jumped in the water from the jetty.

We had a few tired snoozers on the coach journey home.

Well done year 6 you were amazing today! 

Dukinfield football tournament

Broadbent Fold loved taking part in the very first Dukinfield 5 a side football tournament.

Broadbent Fold A team came 2nd in their competition losing 2-0 to St Mary's Catholic Primary School but winning 2-0 against Lyndhurst Primary School. A special mention to Jack for his wonder goal.

Y6 Star of the week 24-6-22

Today Year 6 were presented with a special, keep-sake dictionary from the Rotary Club.

Our stars of the week are Ellie and Brooke.

Ellie always produces homework to a great standard. She has created a chocloate cake in her creative homework task and this week she produced a fabulous persuasive advert for her cake. 

Brooke is a fabulous mathematician. She has really understood how to analyse and draw pie charts accurately this week.

Annabelle and Maisie won our 'good to be green' pencils for staying on green.

Magistrates in the commnunity

Year 6 were joined by two local magistrates this week to learn about how the court system works. 

The children took part in a quiz to test their knowledge and learn new information. We looked at how magistrate and crown courts are different. We found out that the 'Magna Carta' rule means we must be tried by our peers which is why magistrates are not legally trained. 

It was very interesting. 

Rotary Club Presentation

The Rotary Club presented our year 6 pupils with a Dictionary for Life. These lovely gifts were presented by Angela Robbins

Tameside Rotary President 221/22, Joyce Howarth and Brian Travis in our assembly today. 

Internet Matters

Children talk about ways to keep safe online through e-safety lessons. At home, children can increase their knowledge further by using the APP Internet Matters.

Internet Matters’ is an app designed to help parents talk about online safety issues with their children, and to ensure that they make smart choices to stay safe online.

The split-screen collaborative app helps them think about what they would do if they were faced with different situations online; from cyberbullying to sharing content with someone they don’t know


Last week year 6 learnt the rules of the Ancient Mayan ball game 'pok-ta-pok'. We had a go at using the rules to play our own games- we decided to leave out the decapitation for the losing team. The children became very inventive with ways to pass the ball without using their hands, feet or head. 

We then created our own similar games with specific rules about which body parts to use. What a fun way to hook into our new topic about Ancient Maya. 

Y6 Star of the week 17-6-22

Congratulations to our stars of the week Maisie and Joshua. 

Maisie really enjoyed our health and wellbeing sessions last week. She joined in with great enthusiasm giggling all the way through her yoga moves.

Joshua impressed me with his skill playing the Ancient Mayan game 'pok-ta-pok'. As you are not allowed to pass the ball with your head, hands or feet he made up a very inventive elbow pass.

Reuben and Ava were awarded the good to be green pencil for being ready, respectful and safe. 

A great first week back to Summer 2!

Rounders Competition

The Year 6's enjoyed taking part in a rounders competition this week against other schools in Tameside. They showed great progress throughout out the tournament and really developed their understanding of the rules and their teamwork. Well done to everyone who took part! 
