Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Polish Day in Year 5!

Year 5 enjoyed finding out about the legend of the Polish White Eagle emblem during Polish Independence Day on Friday and they drew some fantastic pictures! They also played Polish Eye Spy and tasted some delicious Polish food, such as bread, sausage and chocolate!  Thank you to Miss Laitl for organising this! Year 5 are amazing in their Polish lessons!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5!

Well done to our award winners in Year 5 this week!  Fantastic writing, being helpful and caring and, of course, being Ready, Respectful and Safe all week are all reasons for these great achievements.  More Bronze winners this week too - well done for achieving 50 star points!  Mrs Blomeley

Internet Legends Assembly

Internet Legends live assembly was watched by Year 3,4 & 5 this morning.

Children learnt the importance of not using the same password, they also learnt about web browsers.  

Another area of Online Safety shared was the importance message to be careful what is shared online, this includes what is shared on wats app.


Change your password.

Don't keep logged on shared devices. 

Forest School fun with Year 5

Year 5 have been practising their knot tying skills by making fantastic bows and arrows. They also had great fun playng their favourite game - Forest Ranger and using berries to make natural dyes.  The group were so happy when they saw a beautiful rainbow and wanted a picture under the rainbow!

Planting Crocuses for World Polio Day

As part of World Polio Day 2022 the Eco leaders and chosen children from each class planted 500 crocuses in the school grounds.  These were kindly donated by Tameside Rotary.and members of the Rotary came to help and support the children with their planting.  Well done everyone, you all did a fantastic job!  We are looking forward to seeing the flowers bloom in the spring.

Hummingbird Project

Today the Hummingbird Project started in year 5 and 6. This is a 6-week Positive Education intervention, designed to give students the tools they need to be as happy, healthy, and productive as possible. It involves hour-long workshops, in which students learn about happiness, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, character strengths, and resilience, and take part in fun activities that help them to understand how to put these ideas into practice. 

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to our "spooky" award winners this week for their  fantastic work and being Ready, Respectful and Safe!  

October Book Scavenger Hunt

Well done to all of the children who entered our Book Scavenger Hunt over the October half term. 

We hope you enjoy using your bookmarks to read more books :)

Miss Harvey and the Reading Ambassadors
