Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

How to help children deal with loneliness - Mental Health Awareness Week 2022


“An emotion is like a fish in a pond that can take over at any time.” (Primary school child)

The Mental Health Foundation hosted the first Mental Health Awareness Week 21 years ago – a key moment for people and organisations across the UK to reflect on the importance of mental health and wellbeing.This year, the theme is loneliness.

Year 3 School Visit to Stockport Museum & Air Raid Shelter

Year 3 have had a fabulous day visiting the Stockport Museum and the Stockport Aid Raid Shelter. We all dressed as an evacuee and really felt like we were living in WW2 as we experienced what it was like to go into the Stockport Aid Raid Shelter. In The Air Raid Shelter children saw the conditions people had to be in during WW2. 

Within the museum children went into a Morrison shelter, tried on gas mask and war helmets which they really did enjoy.

If you are in Stockport it is really worth visiting The Air Raid Shelter.

WW2- wonderful learning by Year 3

Year 3 have started learning all about WW2. Children have learnt a WW2 poem ready to perform in a school assembly. They have been reading and writing diaries including looking at Anne Frank's diary and reading a class novel Carrie's War.

The seeds planted during Science week have grown so they've been put into larger pots. Year 3 really are doing what people did during WW2 because we are growing our own vegetables including carrots, potatoes and also peas.

Friday Awards

Congratulations to our award winners this week. The children were awarded Headteacher's Certificates for fantastic writing and great work in computing. Well done to the children who received thier Good to be Green pencils for their behaviour. 

Summer 1

Welcome back Year 3, we are learning about life during WW2 and have arranged a school visit to Stockport Air Raid Shelter and Staircase House Museum.

We are reading Carrie's War and learning all about evacuees, writing diaries, looking a timelines and events that happened in the war.

At home, children have been asked to write their own diaries and share this with this the class. It would be great if children could make some recipes at home and share photos on Seesaw.

Easter Fun

Year 3 children enjoyed Easter crafts today. They made Easter cards and chocolate nests which they put in hand made paper baskets.

This week's award winners are ...

Congratulations to Year 3 who have received Head Teacher's Awards, Good to be Green and Attendence Awards this week. 

Well done to all Year 3 for working really hard this half term. Enjoy your well deserved break. Happy Holidays! 

Science Challenge: what could this be?

I would like you to use your scientific observational skills to look at the image. What could it be? What does it make you think of? 

Can you describe the colours, textures and shapes that you can see? 

If you think you can guess what the image may be please come and let me know or tell your class teacher. 

I will the reveal the answer soon in an assembly...

Miss Harvey

Handwriting Awards Spring 2 2022

We are really impressed with our Handwriting Award winners this term. These children have shown overall great handwriting and presentation or a real improvment in their handwriting recently.

Our winners are: Meghan in Nursery, __ in Reception, __ in Year 1, Amelia in Y2, Flynn in Y3, James in Y4, Alfie in Y5 and Sophie in Y6.

Please have a look at their fantastic work which is proudly displayed at the entrance to school. 
