School Blog

iMotion Movies

Year 4 have been combining their knowledge of the attack of the Spanish Armada and how to make an iMotion movie by recreating the famous battle scenes. They have been working really hard in groups to create their movies. I'm really impressed by their sequencing skills and their ingenuity, especially when it came to them figuring out different ways to move the boats around the British Isles. Great work Year 4. 

Tudor Pottage

Our first Tudor pottage was ready to taste. It smelt delicious and 16 children out of 24 who tasted it, thought it was amazing. Great work for creating a sweet potato, leek and corriander pottage. 

World Book Day celebrations

Today in assembly we celebrated all of the hard work from World Book Day when each class shared some of their work on a class book or author. This was incredible to see and I was really impressed with all of the classes. It shows how much we love reading at Broadbent Fold.

We also rewarded our competition winners who designed a new book cover for their class text. Our runner-ups and winners all received a certificate and a prize. The winning entries will proudly be displayed in our library. 

Stars of the week

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week Lucy and Holly.

Lucy is producing some incredible writng and I was pleased with her letter of complaint this week. Holly is working so hard in her maths booster lessons.

Well done to Macy and Amaze for winning the Good to be Green Award.

Faye is the Vocab Ninja winner this half term.

Stars of the week

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week Lucy and Holly.

Lucy is producing some incredible writng and I was pleased with her letter of complaint this week. Holly is working so hard in her maths booster lessons.

Well done to Macy and Amaze for winning the Good to be Green Award.

Faye is the Vocab Ninja winner this half term.

Marvellous Merits

What a fantastic week Year 4 have had! They have run the science fair, written a fabulous biography about Karen Ingris, started work on improper fractions and mixed numbers and have generally been fabulous. Well done Year 4. I'm looking forward to making Tudor pottage, learning more about digestion and healthy eating and starting our work on Tudor explorers next week. 
