School Blog

Tag rugby games

Year 6 enjoyed playing different tag rugby games with sports coach Charlie today. I can see that their technique and confidence are both really improving.


Year 3 have a fabulous time playing parasports including kurling, Boccia and goal ball.

First time of playing Boccia- a bit like boules.

The trickiest sport was goalball which involved wearing eye masks so children could experience how it would feel to play sports when not being able to see.


Maths fun making Triangles!

Year 5 used their knowledge about different types of Triangles to create them on their pin boards!  The activity consolidated their work on Right angled, Scalene, Isosceles and Equilateral triangles and the class were all confident in challenging their partners!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's Glow Dodgeball Fun!

Year 5 loved the Glow Dodgeball event!  They wore their neon sportswear and donned their glow sticks to add to the fun of the Dodgeball competition between the different teams!   Great fun was had by all!  Mrs Blomeley


Transition Workshop

2Boards and a Passion Theatre Company came in to work with year 6 this afternoon. We did lots of drama activities thinking about moving on to high school. The children put on mini dramas about a nightmare version of their first day at high school thinking about everything that could go wrong. We then discussed lots of sensible resolutions to some of the worries which the class had. 
