Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Eggiting Eggperiments

Year 4 got the chance to set up their experiment today to see how sugary drinks affect their teeth. They used eggs to represent teeth and will be comparing those placed in water, milk, vinegar, orange juice and coke, with and without toothpaste. Keep checking our blogs for the results. 

Ordering Fractions

Year 4 have been working hard in understanding fractions and applied their knowledge today when they ordered fraction cards. They found it quite a challenge, especially with different shapes and sizes. 

Handwriting Awards Spring 2 2023

Well done to our Spring 2 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvement in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Maddison, Reception- Henry, Y1- Aliza, Y2- Tilly, Y3- Millie, Y4- Matthew, Y5- Evie, Y6- Seth

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 

Super Science

Year 4 had lots of fun examining their teeth in science. They were able to identify how many teeth they had and how many they'd lost, alongside naming and understanding the function of their teeth. Keep checking out our blogs to find out the experiment we will be doing later on in the week to see how different drinks affect your teeth. 


Year 4 were very excited to explore their new reading resource today. The visual history of rivers is a beautiful book and the children were very impressed by the illustrations and information. They spent a long time exploring, sharing the books and discovering new things. 

Year 4 MTP

Dear Parents, Carers I do hope you've all had a lovely Easter break and are ready and the children are raring for our new term . This half term our main geography topic will be looking at the formation of rivers and mountains. Here the children will be learning firsthand about erosion and deposition on our trip to Park Bridge on the 15th May. Keep an eye out for the letter next week. This topic links fabulously with our science learning which is about the water cycle.

Fabulous Year 4

Year 4 have had a massive amount of certificates given out today, from swimming, handwriting, attendance and merits. Great work Year 4. 

Tameside Libraries half term events

There are free, family activities at Tameside Libraries during the upcoming Easter holiday, all with the theme of In the Garden. These are open to all, although aimed at children aged 4-11, and are drop in. There are also workshops available run by Explore Learning for 7-9 year olds at Ashton and Droylsden libraries which need to be booked in advance.


Please see the attached posters for more details.


