School Blog

Why is exercise important?

This week in Science, the children have been exploring ‘Why exercise is important and what the effects of exercise are on our health / lives?’ The children were asked to explore different ways to stay healthy. The children decided that you can be healthy by: eating a balanced diet, getting lots of sleep, drinking lots of water, doing activities that you enjoy (e.g. swimming etc) and exercising. The children discussed how/why exercise is important for our bodies.

Conductors and Insulators

Year 4 had a fabulous time making their circuits work by testing objects to see if they were conductors or insulators. They found that scissors, sharpeners, purple pens, the plug, the door handle and even earrings and glasses all had areas that conducted electricity. Great experimenting Year 4. 

E-Safety / Competition Winners

Our pupil leaders have chosen 6 brilliant winners of our E-Safety Competition. They looked at how social media affects mental health and what we can do to improve this. We had many entries from across school and it was very difficult to decide. Well done everyone. 

Esther Sans Takeuchi

Year 4 have been researching a very inspirational electro scientist- Esther Sans Takeuchi. She is the most decorated female scientists in America with over 140 patents for her work in increasing the power of batteries used to power implantable cardiac defibrillators, saving thousands of lives every year. 

Let’s spread the love

Broadbent Fold's Valentine disco was a massive success. The turn out was phenomenal and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you to everyone who turned up. Happy Valentine's Day!

Handwriting Winners Spring 1 2023

Well done to our Spring 1 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvement in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Nevaeh, Reception- Mykyta, Y1- George S, Y2- Luke, Y3- Matilda, Y4- Suzie, Y5- Theo, Y6- Sam G

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 

Accurate instructions

This afternoon, the children used the Bee-bots to create simple programmes on a treasure island mat. The children have been learning the importance of sequences of accurate instructions and today they used the Bee-bots to test their sequences out by programming the Bee-bot to navigate it to a specific co-ordinate. The children have been learning the terminology forwards, backwards, left, right, up down, north, south, east west, landscape, horizontal, portrait and vertical in Geography, Math and Computing. OO ARGH!

What makes your heart rate rise?

We have planned fair and comparative tests in year 6 today. The children have planned a scientific enquiry on which exercises raise our heart rates the most. The children chose their equipment and discussed the variables and constants in the investigation. We had a lot of fun doing our experiments outside. Next week we will display our results in an appropriate way and draw conclusions to answer our investigations. 

Treasure Hunt

This afternoon, the children took part in a treasure hunt around the school grounds. The children have been using google maps in their Geography lessons this half term to explore the question ‘where do we live?’ They have been zooming in and out from a bird’s eye view, zooming in to see street views and identify places they have visited. The child had a bird’s eye view map of the school with different letters plotted around. The children had to use their maps to locate the different letters which were identifiable on flags and write down the number that was attached to the letter.

Sink or Float?


As part of our creative home learning (can you make a 3Dmodel of a ship. Can you make it float?), some children chose to create their model and bring them in to test them. The children had to think recap back to our ‘materials’ topic and decided which properties of materials are suitable to ensure their boat would float. Today, the children got to test their ships in class and the rest of the children voted red for sink and blue for float. Great effort everybody! Some super designs and materials used!
