School Blog

Getting the balance right

Children learnt how important it is to get the balance right between screen time and keeping off screens! Did you know too much screen time can cause headaches and affects people's moods? Year 3 designed posters to encourage people to get a balance and not spend too long on screens.

Super Science

Year 4 had the chance to experiment with electrical components todays. They were predicting whether certain circuits were complete or not. They were extremely pleased when they made the circuit complete and light the bulb. Some groups even managed to create a working motor and got the buzzer working too and managed to break the circuit using a switch. What a great scientific afternoon. 

Jack Frost

We have been reading the story 'Jack Frost'. We have painted pictures of him and written some lovely descriptions. We couldn't believe it when he froze our duplo characters! We had some great ideas for investigating the best way to melt the ice.

Times Table Mastermind

Year 4 have been quizzing each other over their times tables knowledge. They are doing alright, but a lot of them would agree that they need to be a lot quicker with their responses. 

Internet Legend Assembly

Broadbent Fold watched a live online assembly today 7th February 2023- An Internet Legends Assembly. Children were encouraged to used their critical thinking skills when online.Remember 'Be kind online' and make time to have conversations about being online.

What type of password is a strong password to use? What should you do if you see something unkind online? 

This week children are taking part in lessons about online safety.

The theme for 2023 is, 'Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online'. 

Pupil Leaders meet Governors

Today our pupil leaders met our Chair and Vice Chair of Governors. They discussed current themes in school, shared the policies they have been working on and asked our governors some questions. We are planning a question and answer session in the next few months. 

Internet Safety in Year 4

Internet Safety 2023 is "Want to talk about it" Today in class we talked about how we use the internet. We looked at what to do when we are confronted with issues. The children were quite aghast at the age restrictions on some social media sites and games that they regularly use. However, they did come up with some fantastic solutions and were very sensible when they talked openly about using the internet. 

Mysterious Cake Designs

Year 4 was met with a plethora of disguised cakes this morning. Have a look at the exceptional creations from Year 4. This is definitely going to improve our mental health this week when we're sampling them. Fantastic work Year 4. 
