School Blog

Penny Joelson Workshop

As part of the Tameside Ready, Steady Read festival, year 6 joined a zoom meeting with children's author Penny Joelson today. This was really inspiring and informative as we not only found out about some of Penny's stories, but she also discussed how she became an author. Penny has written books including 'Tell no secrets' which is about a child with cerebral palsy who cannot tell anyone that she saw a murder! She also wrote 'Girl in the window' in which a child witnesses somebody dragging a woman into a car and notices a young girl's face in the window opposite who has seen it too.

What makes you happy?

To raise awareness of Children Mental Health and Well-Being Year 2 have enjoyed sitting with their friends this morning whilst listening to relaxing music, the children talked about what makes them happy whilst enjoying a hot chocolate and biscuits. ‘This is the best day ever!’

Mental Health and Well-being for You and your Family

As part our Mental Health and Well-being week, we have been doing some 'mood booster activities' each day to promote a sense of well-being, recharge, increase energy levels and encourage everyone to try some feel good activities. 

 Why not try some family mood-booster and get the whole household moving and feeling good:

 Lets connect and get involved! 

Internet Safety Week

As part of our internet safety week, yesterday we did an internet safety word search, finding vocabulary linked to computing and staying safe on the internet which enabled us to recap some key words and jog our memory of our internet safety topic from the Autumn term. We then got into small groups and were given a variety of different scenarios e.g. making a new friend on the internet.’ We had to decided/discuss in our groups whether the scenario was a good idea or a bad idea and then write an explanation why they thought it.

Mental Health and Well-being

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. The theme of the week is connecting. We talked about the different ways that we are connected to each other in Year 2 . Then the children decorated a jigsaw piece to show how they are connected. They all came up with some fabulous ideas! We are going to make a giant jigsaw with the pieces to show how we are all connected. Fantastic ideas and super art work! Well done everyone! 

Children's Mental Health Week

Alongside our work on Internet Safety this week, Year 6 have also looked at Children's Mental Health Week. We have looked at loneliness and how to make connections with people, especially when transitioning to high school later this year. We have talked about our mental health generally thinking of strategies to keep our minds healthy. We have looked at showing kindness to others- we created our own kindness poems using the senses. 

Well done Year 6!

Safer Internet Day 2023

This week we have celebrated Safer Internet Day 2023 in various ways in Year 6. We took part in a live assembly on Tuesday to start our thoughts about how to keep safe online. In our lessons we have discussed how we all use the internet for various reasons. We have discussed the positives of the internet whilst also looking at the potential dangers. The children were good at spotting red flag scenarios that they may come across online. The children enjoyed making fun chatterboxes with some questions to ask their friends about E-safety.

Reading Bees

The Reading Bees are back to hear you do lots of reading in your homes. Please read to your bee daily and fill in the book to share with the class.

We cannot wait to hear about all your fabulous reading and favourite stories! 

Potion Making

We have been busy mixing our own magic potions using the language full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty.

