School Blog

Spring 2 Year 3- Who is The Iron Man?

Spring 2- is a very exciting theme based on the text 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.

Children explore adverts and persuasive writing. They have  a workshop by Legostem where they make their own robots and connect them to the ipad to control the robot and make it more. (see this website for more details  )

Take  a look at our MTP to find out more.

We have shared the Home Learning Grid and look forward to seeing children's work on Seesaw.


Ready Steady Read in Year 1

The children had a fantasic time taking part in the Ready Steady Read with Emma Perry.  They loved pretending to be grumpy for one story and then enjoyed listening to the author Emma Perry reading out her new stories.

Reception MTP and Home Learning

This half term we are learning all about Spring and Little Red Riding Hood.

Please find attached our medium term plan and home learning grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning.

Nursery Spring 2

Hello Nursery,

This half term we are learning about Spring and sharing the story Little Red Riding Hood. Please find attached our Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for anyone wanting to do additional learning.

Mrs Tennant

Where would we BE without the BEE?

This half term we will be busy buzzing about BEES! Keep watching our blog / class Seesaw to see what exciting things we get up to over the half term, especially our exciting hooks/experiences that will bring our learning to life.PE will take place every Thursday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child has an indoor (pumps for Dance and Gymnastics) and outdoor (warm with trainers) PE kit in school, in a clearly labelled bag. In Science this half term, we will be exploring the topic ‘Plants’ and investigating which plants we and Bees need to survive.

World Book Day Events

This week we celebrate World Book day on Thursday. During the week, we have lots of fun reading and book events taking place. Each class will have story time swaps where a different adult from the school will come to read them a story. Each class will make books to be displayed in their library making every child an author!. On Thursday Years 4-6 will take part in a football themed reading quiz. All children may bring in their favourite books, comics or magazines to read on Thursday. On Friday you may choose to dress up as your favourite character- I can't wait to see who you come as.

Spring 2 Topic Information

This half term we will be looking at how Britain changed when people from the Caribbean and other islands came to Britain on HMT Empire Windrush to rebuild Britain's economy after the War between 1948 and 1971. We will explore some mature themes this half term including discussing racism and extreme views through our Topic, RE and Philosophy For Children lessons. We also have World Book Day activities and British Science Week activities to look forward to. Our Y6 children will plan and run a Science Fair for the rest of the school- this will be so exciting!

Year 4

Welcome back after the holidays. 

Our topic for the Spring Term is:  What was life like for the Tudors? Here, the children will be fully immersed into the Tudor time period. They will be creating a class book about the Tudors for World Book Day,  studying the Tudor monarchy, William Shakespeare, Tudor explorers and looking at their diet and cooking up a Tudor pottage. Alongside the Tudors, Year 4 will be finding out about teeth and how their digestive systems work and joining in British Science Week activities. What a fully packed 5 weeks we will have! 

Just a reminder: 
