School Blog

Celebrating World Book Day

Today we are celebrating World Book Day, we have come to school dressed as our favourite book character and shared our favourite stories. We  also had two special visitors read to nursery this week Miss Spalding and Mrs Parker, what a special week!

Year 4 Superstars

Great work to Year 4 this week. I'm highly impressed at how many children are recalling their times tables immediately and their detailed drawings. A special well done to our merit and pencil winners today. 

World Book Day Celebrations

Year 4 had a fantastic day completing the sport's reading quiz, emoji quiz, being read to and listening to an author. They look absolutely amazing today in their costumes too. We're continuing our love of reading by inviting Mrs Blomeley into read in class today and creating our Tudor non-fiction book. Check out the blogs next week for more reading updates. 

World Book Day quiz

Today our Reading Ambassadors and Librarians worked together to organise and put on a book quiz at lunchtimes for the school. They helped the children work out emoji clues to guess the fairytale, nursery rhyme or children's book. The children have worked so hard on identifying books and we are really impressed with their efforts and how many books they could recognise.

Thank you so much to our Reading Ambassadors and Librarians :)

Miss Harvey

Story time swap in Y6


Year 6 have enjoyed their story time this week with Mrs Laitl and Miss Lewis. Mrs Laitl read 'Głodna gąsienica' 'The Hungry Caterpillar' in Polish. It was lovely to see the children recognising some of the language like days of the week and vegetables. Miss Lewis entertained us with one of her favourite stories 'The Wonky Donkey.'

Footy & Book Quiz

Year 6 enjoyed the Footy & Book Quiz that we took part in today as part of our World Book Day celebrations. 3 teams came joint first with a score of 17/20!


Today in computing, the children created a sequence of instructions (an algorithm) to draw a shape of a numeral e.g. 3. Firstly, we discussed what an algorithm is (an instruction / set of rules) for performing a task. The children created the algorithms in pairs or small groups using the Bee-bots to navigate their route, tracing the shape of the numeral. The children successfully worked out the algorithms for the numbers: 0, 1, 7, 5, 2 and 6.

World Book Day

This morning we have been sharing our favourite stories to celebrate World Book Day. We are looking forward to dressing up tomorrow!

Year 3 Making books

Year 3 have become authors and publishers! They have neatly copied their poems using handwriting pen. Pictures have been beautifully added and children have even added their own blurbs. Children now have their own poetry book which they are very proud of. Their poetry books are in the Year 3 reading corner for everyone to enjoy.
