Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Sport Bingo Grids

Tameside School Sport have released the next set of bingo grids. This time the sports are gymnastics, netball, tennis, dodgeball and HIIT fitness. For each bingo grid you complete you earn a medal and if you complete 6 you get a School Games badge! Once you have completed them, please use the instructions at the bottom of the bingo grid to send them in. If you choose to complete the tennis bingo grid, there is a link at the top to a video which explains what some of the activities are. 

World Book Day 4/3/21

On Thursday 4th March it is World Book Day. Please see the attached newsletter underneath with all of the information about events that will be happening in school or via Remote Learning during the week. Children can dress as their favourite book characters on this day - this is optional for those that wish to join in. Please don't buy anything - children can make props or use items that they already have around the home. 


Year 5 Home Learning w/b 22nd February

Hello Year 5 and welcome back to home learning. I do hope that you're all keeping well and that you've had a relaxing half term holidays. Please see the attached grid for the work for week beginning 22nd February. We are still continuing our work on the USA and habitats. I do hope you enjoy travelling off to the Americas again. 

Take good care

Ms McCoy 

Year 5 Home Learning week beginning 8th February

Hello Year 5,

Welcome to our last week of the Spring 1 term. This week we are having a themed week and will be looking at Internet Safety, Women in science, Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. I do hope that you enjoy the activities that I've organised. 

Take good care of yourselves and I look forward to seeing you all on zoom and reading your work on Seesaw. 

Kind regards

Ms McCoy

Pledge 100 exercises for Sir Captain Tom Moore

Today Captain Sir Tom Moore sadly died at the age of 100 years old. He was a true inspiration to many people, raising money for the NHS and lifting people's spirits during lockdown.

To remember this legendary man, can you do 100 exercises of your choice. Send photographs of your physical activities to your class teacher. 

RIP Captain Sir Tom.

Children's Mental Health Week

These posters have great strategies on them to practise mindfulness.

Practise these activities each day and then when you are feeling anxious, stressed or frustrated try to use them to make you feel calmer. 

I know I like to use 'Go through your senses' when I can't get to sleep. It works every time :)

Miss Harvey

Science at home ideas

Jodrell Bank Observatory is the UK’s latest UNESCO World Heritage Site and an icon for British science and engineering. Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre have many great science resources that you can use at home.

Why not design your own alien? - look at the SETI and 'alien life' section; or go on a journey to the moon- have a look at the 'watch the skies' section; or listen to some of the talks and lectures and be inspired.
