Class Blog

Year 4 2024-2025 Blog

Egg Experiment

Well our egg experiment is finally finished and the children have been quite amazed at how orange juice and not coke affected their teeth. They now really understand the importance of dental hygiene and will limit high sugar drinks after seeing how the orange juice visibily decayed the egg. 

Our lovely planter

The planter was kindly donated to school by Stalybridge Women's Institute and Mrs Holt came to visit school to see how the flowers in the planter were developing. Mrs Holt was very happy that the Ecoleaders have been looking after planter so well and have planted new bulbs and bedding plants. The Ecoleaders also showed Mrs Holt our vegetable garden and the crocuses flowers that we had planted in the winter. Mrs Holt showed us a bird's nest that she had found in her garden. 

Gardening Club

In gardening club we have weeded the beds and planted some carrot and lettuce seeds. We were delighted to find that our apple trees and cherry trees are producing flowers. Fingers crossed we will get lots of fruit in the autumn! 

Reading Ambassador Meeting

Thank you to our Reading Ambassadors for attending their meeting with Jo Merrifield from Tameside Libraries this week. They shared their fabulous poetry display which they have created in the KS2 Library. We then looked at genres of text and how we can inspire children to trial reading a new genre. All children can access Ebooks and Audio books for free using their Tameside Library membership card using Borrow Box. Please see eReading - Tameside MBC for more information. 

Mini Marathon

Year 4 are still loving their daily mile to ensure they do a mini marathon by the 10th May. Well done 

Marvellous Merits in Yr4

What a bumper lot of certificates that were issued today. From head teacher's award, silver awards, walk to school and swimming certificate. Fantastic work Year 4. 

Tree planting

We have been planting our new trees that we got from the Woodland Trust. They are very small at the moment but we will look after them and we are looking forward to watching them grow over the next few years.

Amazing Art

Year 4 worked ever so hard to ensure their water colour paintings represented Cezanne's Mont Sainte Victoire. They watched a tutorial on brush strokes and outlining before they got the chance to recreate the mountain. What an excellent display they have created. Well done Y 4. 
