Class Blog

Year 4 2024-25 Blog

Year 3 and 4 glow dodgeball

Our Year 3 and 4 pupils loved taking part in the glow dodgeball festival tonight against other schools in Tameside. It was lovely to see so many pupils representing school for the first time and having so much fun! Great job everyone!

Silver Medal Winners!

Our year 5 and 6 cricket team took part in a tournament yesterday against 8 other Tameside Primary Schools at Hyde Cricket ground. They won their round of matches and made it to the final against Arles. We did outstanding fielding, batting and team work. I was so proud to support and observe our young people going for gold! We came away with the silver medal, which we are so proud of. Next our year 3 and 4 pupils will take the challenge and I cannot wait to see how they do. Our trophy will being placed in our ever-growing cabinet. 

Geography Skills in Year 4

Year 4 have been working together and using their homework knowledge about rivers to order the course of a river. They found it really challenging to order the photographs but persevered. Well done Y4. 

Career’s Week

Andy, a GB 60m sprinter came in to talk to Y4 today about his career in athletics. The children were so eager to ask him questions and amazed by his career. 

Mountain Locations

Year 4 started their work on mountains today. They used the atlases well to locate mountains of the U.K and were able to identify parts of a mountain. 

Start Small, Dream Big Primary Pilot.

We are delighted that our school has been selected to take part in an exciting pilot programme to improve careers education in primary schools across England. This pilot programme is being run by your local Careers Hub, funded by The Careers & Enterprise Company and evaluated in partnership with ImpactEd Evaluation. ImpactEd Evaluation is an independent evaluator that supports high-quality monitoring and evaluation in schools.  
