Year 5 Home Learning w/b 11th January 2021

Year 5 Home Learning w/b 11th January 2021

Remote Learning/ Live Lessons

Monday 11th January – Friday 15th January

This week, children will have the opportunity to join the live lessons at school from home. 

Please follow the Home Learning Grid below for all our Year 5 lessons next week.I have tried my best to ensure all the activities and sessions are clear to follow with one zoom link attached. The children at home do not necessarily need to print out the sheets for the live lessons but as long as they can access them so they can draw/ write their ideas/ answers down in a workbook whilst they join in. I aim to teach the aspects to the class and for the children to follow and complete the attached sheets for the morning lessons. Your child can choose which activities they wish to do or finish off in the afternoon and share these on Seesaw. If your child is struggling to attend the live lessons or needs to leave during the live lesson, please do not worry but see if your child can complete the work from the learning grid and post it onto Seesaw later on in the day. 

I do hope that everything is clear and easy to follow and access. I'm hoping that Zoom will be fine for all the sessions next week and I look forward to seeing everyone at home at 9:10am on Monday 11th January. If you have any worries or questions do not hesitate to contact

Take good care

Ms McCoy.