New to Year 4

New to Year 4

I do hope you've all had a lovely summer holiday, and the children are raring for our first term in Year 4. This half term we are whizzing back in time to the Roman invasion of Britain. The children will be learning about the how and why the Romans invaded Britain and how they changed Britain. They will also be learning about key figures in history, Boudica and Julius Caesar. This exciting topic will be enhanced by a trip to Chester on Monday 2nd October. Please keep an eye out for the letter coming out soon.  Throughout this week there will be a lot of information shared regarding routines in Year 4. Please read all the information carefully. This year, the children will be learning to play the penny whistles. In PE, they will learn how to swim on Thursdays. You should have received a letter already which details the expectations of swimming in Year 4.  Further PE lessons will be on Wednesdays where the children will be learning a Roman dance.  Please find attached the Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for the Autumn Term.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on Seesaw or send an email to