GMP visit Year 6

GMP visit Year 6

Today Greater Manchester Police visited us to talk about knife crime and staying safe in our community.

The officers explained about 'Joint Enterprise' This is when you may be involved in an incident where somebody dies- you may not have physically hurt the person but could still be charged if you were there and knew that somebody had the knife or had gone intending to fight. 

The children were very mature and asked lots of sensible questions.

See the following links if you would like some more support:

Support in community:

Family, youth workers, sports/out of school coaches or tutors.

Greater Manchester Police:

Contact 101/999

Support in school:

Teachers and any other staff that you can trust.

Childline– 0800 1111

Support and advice for young people about a range of issues.

#knifefree website -

For more information on the campaign.

Fearless (crime stoppers) –

For advice and a way to anonymously report crime.

Victim support –