Year 4

Year 4

Our topic for the second Spring Term is: What was life like for the Tudors? Here, the children will be learning about Tudor royalty and the famous Henry VIII and his wives. They will be completing a virtual tour of Ordsall Hall and setting up their very own Shakespearean toy theatre using iMotion and Movie Maker in computing. 

Year 4 children have many new and exciting skills to learn this year as we have swimming sessions every Thursday and have Music tuition from Tameside Music Services on Mondays, where the children will be learning how to play a Penny Whistle. Furthermore, we are continuing our MFL lessons in Polish!

Our aim is for all children to read for pleasure.  We are looking forward to working in partnership with you to endorse this value by encouraging your child to read with you, or to you, at home daily. 

Look out for our class blogs for regular snapshots of our activities and learning opportunities.

Ms McCoy