Y5 Home Learning Autumn 1

Y5 Home Learning Autumn 1

Our topic this half term is about The Victorians. We have been finding out what life was like for Victorian children in the world of work, school and at home.

Can you become a historian and create something to impress me?

For your project, you could research Victorian toys and recreate a child’s toy or game, or you could research how the Victorians travelled and create a model vehicle. You could create a Victorian menu for Queen Victoria to enjoy, or you could create a presentation about Victoria schools, the British Empire, or any other project of your choice about the Victorian era which will wow us all!   

Please see the attached grid with ideas for you to complete at home if you are self isolating this term

Please send in photographs of work completed to admin@broadbentfold.tameside.sch.uk

I am looking forward to seeing what you complete.

Mrs Howard :)