Sp1 Topic: Were the Vikings vicious or victorious?

Sp1 Topic: Were the Vikings vicious or victorious?

Happy New Year! I hope 2024 is a fabulous year for you all.

I am excited about our new topic this half term linked to the Vikings. We will discover how they invaded Britain and research some events and discover how Britain changed during their reign. We will use our class text 'Viking Boy' as inspiration for writing our Viking sagas and we will use this to create our battle scenes on our Viking Dress up Day on Friday 9th February. We will find out about the circulatory system in science and look at the functions of the heart. We have lots of fun activities planned. Please see the attached topic information, home learning challenges and a reminder about the creative homework task which is due in on 9th February. I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 3rd January.