Have a look at what goes on in Year 1

Have a look at what goes on in Year 1

Each day children are involved in practical activities to support their learning which is all focused around our creative curriculum topic. The children are always working hard to improve their writing and maths skills. We cover many aspects of writing, such as recounts, lists, labels, stories, poems and information writing. In maths we work on learning numbers to 20, using addition and subtraction. We focus on number bonds and later in the year the 2's, 5's and 10's times tables. We also focus on 2D and 3D shapes and their properties and how to use different types of graphs. We also have weekly science sessions, where the children learn about the human body, animals, plants, materials, forces and weather. We also have weekly art sessions, where the children develop their skills in drawing, painting, collage, textiles, 3D art and we look at different artists work. Also throughout the year the children cover aspects of geography, history, R.E, music, DT and PSHE.