Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Y6 Street Art

Y6 have been inspired by artist Keith Haring this week and have produced some different 'street art' in the same style as him.

Have a look at our work on the attached file. 

Y6 Stars of the week 16-10-20

Congratulations to this weeks stars of the week.

Sam has quickly grasped the tricky method of using long division. Mrs Anson was so impressed with how you just 'got it'.

Lily has impressed us with her creative skills producing amazing art work in the style of street artist Keith Haring.

Fantastic work from both of you. 

Handwriting winners Autumn 1

Congratulations to our whole school handwriting winners in Autumn 1:

Nursery- Daisy

Reception- Olivia

Year 1- Millie

Year 2- Lolly

Year 3- Sam

Year 4- Seth

Year 5- Sophie

Year 6 - Lucy 

We have started to use a new scheme in school called 'Letterjoin'. All of these children have made a great start and have impressed their teachers! Their magnificent work has been displayed on our writing display near Mrs Parker's office.

Y6 Head Teachers Award

Well done Maisie for the Headteacher's Special Recognition Award.

You always follow the school values. You are a great support to peers in your class and are a joy to have in the classroom.


Y6 Stars of the week 9-10-20

Well done to our Y6 Stars of the week.

Hattie has shown great perseverence in maths trying to learn how to use the bus stop method for division. I like how you didn't give up trying.

Adam is always ready to learn. He has a great attitude to learning and is a great role model in the class. 


Mental Health Day in Y6

Year 6 have been exploring mental health this week focusing on some of the worries that they or their peers may have. 

We created 'worry maps' thinking about the journey that pupils all go through in Y6.

We also looked at how to reconise signs of worry and effective techniques to use if we are feeling anxious.

Have a look at our worry maps.

I have also attached some relevant documents that you can share at home with your child. 

Y6 satellite building

Year 6 had lots of fun using their creativity to research, design and create their own satellites.

We investigated gravity this week too watching the famous experiment conducted by Galileo.

Y6 World Space Week

Year 6 were inspired by artist Peter Thorpe to create their own multi-media space pictures.

I'm sure you'll agree that they are out of this world!! 
