Class Blog

Year 5 2024-2025 Blog

Year 5 Home learning 8th June 2020

Hi all and welcome back. I hope you had a nice break. Our new topic is Anglo Saxons and I can’t wait to see some of your learning for this. Don’t forget to email in anything you are doing towards this or just your general wider learning. Thanks everyone.   

Extension activities for Year 5

Hello everyone, thank you for all your hard work this week, parents/carers and children of course. It's been amazing as usual. Here are some extension activities, please don't feel you have to do them but if you want to they are there. The link below takes you to the packs, I have downloaded and attached one but there are more for all year groups if needed.

Have a wonderful half term. Relax. Have fun. Take care. Miss Glenn. 


Coban's Adventure Story

Thank you Coban for this fantastic story. I love your range of vocabulary and the variety of sentence structures you have used. You have used a variety of ways to start your sentences and there is lots of exciting action. An action packed adventure. Well done. 

Niamh's Adventure Story

A very exciting adventure story Niamh, I really enjoyed reading it, you have put a lot of effort and imagination into it. I really loved your range of vocabulary and punctuation. You kept me gripped to the end. Thank you Niamh. Miss Glenn.   

Coban's Sydney Opera House

Brilliant work Coban, a fantastic picture of Sydney Opera house with some very interesting facts. A great likeness, although I've only seen it in pictures. It must be amazing to see a performance there. Miss Glenn.   

Reading competition winners

Thank you to all of the children who entered our reading competition.

We have all really enjoyed seeing your photographs of the strange and wonderful places that you have been reading at home.

Everybody who entered will be emailed a certificate for joining in.

Our winners are:

Reception- George

KS1- Logan

KS2- Freya

Well done to everybody again, Miss Harvey :) 

Sonny's ttrockstars one million coins

Wow Sonny what an achievement, you have worked so hard to make sure you were in the top spot, well done Joshua for encouraging Sonny to reach his goal. It is great to challenge yourself and not give up, look what you have achieved. We are all so proud of you. ONE MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Year 5 Home Learning 25th May

Hello to all, thank you for your continued hard work-adults at home and children-and thank you to those who have sent work in to, I have loved seeing it all. I know a lot of you will be working hard behind the scenes also so well done to those too. You're doing a super job everyone and it is really appreciated. Please see the attached home learning for this week. Don't forget to click on read more and the link below the icon for the Home Learning. Please also see the attachments.
