Class Blog

Year 1 Blog

Fossil Preparation

Our topic for this half term is 'Think Big' and we have been learning all about dinosaurs. Whilst researching about dinosaurs, we came across a lady called Mary Anning. We have learnt all about Mary and how she is a famous fossil hunter who lived over 200 years ago. We decided that we wanted to have a go at being paleontologists so we used cookies to practise preparing fossils! We used different tools such as glue spreaders, lollipop sticks and paint brushes to chip the biscuit away from the chocolate chips.

Andy Tooze

Wow! Year 1 had such a wonderful time with Andy this afternoon. We got to listen to Andy share some of his favourite poems and we even had the opportunity to join in too! We used actions to recite poems and filled in missing rhyming words too. The children then had the chance to write their own poems all about animals. With a little help from Andy, all of us wrote our own poems and some of us felt so confident that we even stood up to read them out and share them with our peers. 

World Book Day

Year 1 have loved celebrating World Book Day today! The children came in looking absolutely fabulous and they were so excited to share their wonderful costumes with their peers. We started the day by visiting our school library. The children had the opportunity to explore the books and share them with a friend. We then read one of our 'Top 5' books; Hello, Monster! We have shared lots of stories today using puppets and music and the children have also had the opportunity to participate in a range of World Book Day activities. We have loved focusing on reading for the day!

Shrove Tuesday

Year One have loved celebrating Shrove Tuesday this week! We have used the special day to give us a purpose for writing by ordering and writing instructions for 'How to make pancakes'. Miss Wright then brought pancakes in for us to eat! We added our favourite toppings before diving in and using adjectives to describe how they feel and taste. We used some fantastic vocabulary such as sweet, soft, squishy, delicious and scrumptious!

Vincent Van Gogh

To start off our new topic, 'How does your garden grow?', we read a story called Camille and the Sunflowers. The story was all about a little boy who had the most wonderful time watching and admiring an artist named Vincent. Together, we did a little research about Vincent and found out that he is a very famous artist! 

Polar Regions Topic

Year 1 are so sad to come to the end of their topic; Polar Regions. What a wonderful time we have had learning about the Arctic and Antarctica! During this half term, we have learnt about the extreme weather in the polar regions, the people and animals who live there, how they survive and what we can do to help to keep their home in the Polar Regions. 

Merry Christmas!

Well, Year 1 have had a wonderful half term. We have had a topic focus of 'Where are the wild things' and we have been learning all about different wild animals and creatures. Throughout the half term, the children have read stories such as 'Wild' and 'The Bog Baby' and together we have discussed beautiful illustrations and settings and focused on creative and imaginative vocabulary. The children particularly enjoyed going on a Bog Baby hunt and solving clues to find him all around school.

KS1 Christmas Party

Well, Year 1 and 2 had the most wonderful day yesterday. We had the opportunity to get all dressed up into our beautiful party clothes and boogie the afternoon away! We all went into the hall and showed our fantastic dancing skills and played lots of party games too. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and when we turned around, we saw that it was Santa! All of the children had the opportunity to meet Father Christmas and were given a very special present. After all of that excitement, we all went back to class and had some delicious party food.

Christmas Jumper Day

Year One have had such a wonderful day today! We shared our fantastic Christmas jumpers with one another before designing and making our own party hats ready for our Christmas lunch. We listened to music and got ourselves into the Christmas spirit as we ate our turkey roast. 

Commando Jon

Year One and Year Two had a super exciting surprise on Monday afternoon. Commando Jon brought in an inflatable for all of the children to use as a special treat towards the end of the half term. The children had to assess the risks in their environment and use the equipment safely. The children really impressed the adults by communcating effectively and being safe, all in addition to having lots of fun!
