Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

VE Day Art Challenge


Thank you for complementing our VE Day Art Challenge and designing a poster to thank our heroes past and present.  I love your posters and I’m very impressed by your creativity!


Big WELL DONE to Evie in Year 2, Laura in Year 4, Sophie and Brooke in Year 4, Matthew in Year 1 and Freya Year 5, Tilly in Year 4 and Finlay in Year 6, Luca in Year 6, Chloe Year 6, Elissa and Leeson in Year 6.


Scarlett's Science and Maths!

Scarlett has done an amazing Frog Fact File!  She has been watching the Frog Friday clip from Manchester Museum and chosen the Yellow-banded Poisonous Dart frog to research.  Very interesting Scarlett - I hope there are none of these in Dukinfield!  Scarlett has also been working hard on her White Rose Maths. Brilliant home learning - well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Connor's Observation Skills!

 Connor has been using his scientific enquiry skills of observing over time.  He has observed that his dahlia seeds, that he planted during the Easter holidays, are growing every day!   Connor has also been working hard multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit, using counters.  His mum had a great idea to use an exchange shop!   Fantastic work Connor!  Mrs Blomeley

Laura's Fantastic Result!

Here is Laura working extremely hard in today's Year 4 TTRS Battle.  Not only did the girls win, Laura managed to gain the certificate for 3rd Most Valuable Player!  I am truly impressed by your determination Laura and I know Mrs Gethng is too! What a Star!   Mrs Blomeley
