Class Blog

Year 1 Blog

Lottie's Sports Week Activities

Lottie has joined in with the Broadbent Fold Sports Week activites. She managed to balance on a tree stump in her garden for 20 seconds on each leg and has spelt out her first name and surname with yoga moves! Fantastic work Lottie!

Has anyone else joined in with any Sports Week activites? Don't forget to send your pictures to


Hollie's Beautiful Garden

Hollie has been busy planting lots of seeds in the garden. She planted the seeds at the start of lockdown and they are now starting to turn into beautiful flowers in lots of different colours. She has also been taking care of the bees in her garden too. Keep up the brilliant work Hollie!

Mia's Amazing Work

Mia has been very busy with her home learning. She has joined in with all the Zoom classes this week and loved the phonics scavenger hunt. She has been busy practising her spellings, number and reading skills. Fantastic work Mia! Keep it up!

Lottie's Amazing Learning

Lottie has been working really hard on her home learning. She has written a fantastic story about Barbie's adventure to a waterpark. I am so impressed with your use of adjectives and that you have been extending your sentences. She has also been working hard on her 5 times table and her spellings. Lottie has drawn a picture of her favourite doll by thinking about the different shapes she can see. Keep up the super work Lottie!

Lottie's Lovely Learning

Lottie worked very hard on her home learning last week. She has been adding different coins together, practising her spellings and handwriting and playing the PE heads and tails game. Lottie also created a fantastic mind map and story mountain for her Toys Adventure story and made some lovely things for Father's Day. Lottie was telling one of her neighbours about our toys topic and her neighbour gave her some really old dominoes called Double Mine's to play with. Keep up the brilliant work Lottie! 

Year 1 Online Learning Week Beginning 22nd June

Whilst you are in lockdown, the attached learning grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click Read More to access!. These blogs will be updated every few days so keep checking as it's our way of communicating with you. Please have a go at the activities and don't forget to checkout the Homework Weblinks page on the website to access My Maths, Bug Club and Education City.  If you have any issues with accessing this work, please contact

Broadbent Fold's Sports Week

As we cannot do Sports Day this year, why not take part in Broadbent Fold's Sports Day Pentathlon? There are certificates to be won within each class for all the activities. Don't forget to submit your results at

There are lots of other activities you can take part in this week too including a balancing competition, TikTok dance off, Minecraft Mission, scavenger hunt and much more! 

Abel's Amazing Work

Abel has been working really hard with his home learning this week. He has been learning how to add coins together by playing in the fantastic shop and cafe his Mummy set up. I think I might have to come visit aswell Abel, it all looks yummy! He has also created his own balanced lunch, dinner and desert and helped to make his family tuna and cucumber pasta for dinner. Abel has been working really hard on his reading comprehension skills and has thought of some great idea for what might happen next in our toy adventure story.

Mia's Magnificent Learning

Have you seen how much Mia's peas have grown? She planted them at the start of lockdown as part of our plants Science topic. They'll be as big as you soon Mia!

Mia has been very busy with her home learning this week! She has joined in with all of the Zoom classes and has done some fabulous Maths work on money. She has also been practising her spellings and trying really hard with her handwriting. Keep up the fantastic work Mia!
