School Blog

Lottie's Amazing Learning

Lottie was very busy last week with her home learning. She has made a mind map with lots of interesting facts about Captain Scott, practised her spellings, made a fantastic cold scene and tested the boat she made to check that it floated. She has also been working hard on her fractions splitting things into halves and quarters for her dolls and keeping fit with Joe Wicks and Just Dance. Keep up the superb work Lottie! 

Mental Health Awareness Week - 18th - 24th May - Kindness Theme

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week takes place this week, 18th - 24th May.  The theme is KINDNESS.  We know there are many of you who are being extra kind to people at this difficult time.  See the link below to read some kindess stories and to find out what you can do for Mental Health Awareness.Week.      We will post all acts of kindness on our blogs.  Thank you

Layla's Lovely Learning

Layla was very busy with her home learning last week. She has done a fantastic mind map to show lots of information about Captain Scott, done lots of comprehension work on taking care of a dog and been practising her spellings through a wordsearch and handwriting. Keep up the brilliant work Layla!

Look what Cerys has been up to during lockdown!

Cerys has been very busy, doing her home learning, reading lots of books from amazon and she has been keeping very active. Super! Look at Cerys baking Lemon Drizzle Cake, I wish I could have tried some it's my favourite. I love your rock picture and play on words, that is so clever. Wonderful to see how creative you are with your PE game too, it looks like great fun. Keep up the good work Cerys. Miss Glenn. 

Jacob's Super Home Learning

Jacob has been a very busy bee!  He has been planting seeds, labelling the parts of a plant and doing some fabulous reading outdoors!  He has been super busy with his phonics and maths too! 

Wow Jacob, keep up all your hard work!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban

George's Marvellous Home Learning

George has been super busy with his home learning.  I love your 3D spider!

He has been using letter tiles to practise his spellings and has done some super sentences using the sounds of the week - magnificent!

Keep up all your hard work George!

Miss you all lots

Mrs Kleban

Maisie-Lou's Learning!

Maisie-Lou's photographs show how hard she has been working lately!   She really enjoyed writing a short story about the boy and his puppy - I enjoyed reading  it too!  She has been continuing to work on her grammar and online maths,  and was thrilled to get a certificate for her TT rockstars battle on Friday!  Fantastic work Maisie - Most Vauable Player!

Isaac's home learning

Great work from Isaac at home- I am so pleased to hear that you have achieved some certificates for using TT Rockstars- well done. 

Great artwork from drawing with Rob on Youtube- amazing skills Isaac. I love your home-made VE Day bunting too- I can't believe how much you look like your older brother on the photograph. 

Great writing about what was behind the door- I love how you have conveyed the emotions at the beginning and built up the suspense. Then a great shift at the end to show your excitement about the game- fantastic work!
