School Blog

Legostem Workshop in Year 3

Year 3 had a visit from Nick, a legostem teacher. Legostem robotics by JuniorSTEM.

Year 3 had a fun and exciting day learning how to program and engineer.  Children built Lego models and controlled them using a legostem APP WeDo2.0. Excellent skills learnt today.

Year 3 can you remember what an algorithm is?

Challenge Me - Burpees

Year 1 showed fantastic determination and teamwork in the latest Challenge Me challenge. They had to do as many burpees as they could in 2 minutes. They encouraged each other to keep going even when they were tired and tp do their best. Well done Year 1! 

Nursery Home Learning May 2021

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating please see the attached grid that will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please post all your work on seesaw, I cannot wait to see your fantastic work.

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Y6 Stars of the week 30-4-21

Congratulations to our Y6 Stars Paige, Sonny and Lily.

Paige and Lily worked well together to produce a non-chronological report in science.

Sonny has been trying hard to edit and improve his writing skills.

Charlotte has won our Headteachers Award for amazing writing skills.



Burpees in Y6

Yesterday Y6 completed their burpees challenge. We practised, paired up and counted how many burpees we could complete in two minutes.

We had a three-way tie- Coban, Freya and Reuben. Well done for completing a whopping 55 burpees. I was so tired watching you!

Sonny was voted as the person who displayed great teamwork.

Worry Wizard

The Worry Wizard will be part of my assemblies in school. This will link to home learning and activities that can be done in school and at home. Together, our school community will embark on an exciting journey to understand what Wellbeing is and how we can all support it.

More information can be found:

Den building

Year 2 had a fantastic time building dens, identifying leaves and exploring the forest school area.

Invertebrate Hunt

As part of our science curriculum, Year 6 searched for invertebrates in the local environment today. The fun and excitement during the activity was lovely to see. They found many invertebrates which they used a classification key to identify.

I have attached the key to use at home if they would like to continue their searches and send in photographs of any more discoveries. 
