School Blog

Nursery Home Learning Autumn 1

Hello Nursery,

If you are self isolating please see the attached grid that will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click on read more to access!

Please post all your fabulous work on seesaw, I cannot wait to see your fantastic work.

Take care,

Mrs Tennant

Year 4 Legionaries

Year 4 were amazing legionaries today as they marched, invaded and raided the Celtic villages on the school field. Fantastic centurian leaders- Jake and Theo. 

Autumn Term Year 5 - What was life like for Victorian Children?

Welcome to Year 5!  Our first half term's topic is "What was life like for Victorian children?"  and we have some exciting and inspiring activities to help us delve into this important period in history.  Our visit to Quarry Bank Mill will enhance their learning and help the class to empathise with children from the past.  Have a look at the Medium Term Plan for this topic to find other activities planned for all areas of the curriculum.  Also attached is the Challenge Home Learning grid for Year 5.  This contains activities to complete if you are self isolating, home learning, or just want

Autumn 1 Homework Menu

Here is the homework menu for this half term. There are lots of different fun activities to complete linked to what we are doing at school and our Superheroes topic. Remember that you get a gold award for completing all 8 activities, a silver award for completing 6 activities and a bronze award for completing 4 activities. Don't forget to upload anything you do to Seesaw or bring it into school so we can see all the fantastic learning you are doing at home. 

Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome to our Nursery!

We have had a great first few days, the children are settling in well and are enjoying exploring in the new areas. I am so proud of them!

This half term we will be looking for signs of autumn and sharing the story of 'The Little Red Hen'.

Mrs Tennant

Y6 Maths home learning

If you would like to complete some additional work to support our learning in class this term, download these booklets and complete at home. Send in a picture or bring them into school when they have been completed for me to have a look. 

Autumn 1 Topic Information Y6

We have a wonderful half term ahead of us where we will explore and celebrate how we are all unique.

Our class text this half term is 'Can you see me now? by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott which follows the story of an eleven year old girl called Tally who has been diagnosed with autism and is about to start her journey at secondary school. We also look at the text 'Wonder' by R.J Palacio which is about Auggie who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome.
