School Blog

Paper People Pals !

Here is a lovely, fun and creative idea for you to try.  Use the instructions to make  Paper Pals!  You can make family, friends, neighbours, community heroes or even Paper Pals pets!  Don't forget to place them in your window and please send me a photograph of them too!  Mrs Blomeley

Logan's Fantastic Learning

Logan has done some fantastic research on Arctic Foxes. He has used his Year 1 writing targets to write some super sentences and thought about the vocabulary choices he has made. Well done Logan, keep up the super work! 

Ted's Tremendous Work

Ted has been very creative and painted a bird box and made a bug house with his Daddy. He also visited Gorse Hall to find out about his local history and Beatrix Potter. 

Paper Dolls

These paper dolls are a fun activity to make with your family. You could make your family, key workers or your friends and display them in your window. 

Fabulous reading by Sam G

Sam has photographed all the books he has read at home and sent them to us, well done Sam.

Who else has been busy reading books at home.


Mrs Slate & Ms McCoy

Home School Learning -Abigail

Abigail looks like she really enjoyed learning at home about Easter. Her cakes looks delicious. 

A great way to learn about instructions and measures while baking at home.

Thank you Abigial.
